History of school

History of School

The School was established on 12 July, 1982 in the heart of city Tulsi sagar, Ghazipur. The school started with four classrooms LKG, UKG, class I and II having 240 students and 8 teaching staff with the objective "Education of the whole person". Hence right from the beginning it gears at an integral formation i.e. character, intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and social of the young ones who in turn will build our nation in justice and truth respecting the dignity of each individual person.

Gradually the school grew in its capacity and strength, classes III, IV and V emerged out as its consequence. Till then year 2014 the school had classes upto Class V each having double section. The continuous and repeated demand from the parents, the school administration took decision to increase the classes but due to infrastructure the school has to be relocated to Tadvanva in Vidya Niketan Campus. In January 2020 the school got affiliation from ICSE, New Delhi for Class IX & X.


The school stands for academic excellence, development of skills and character formation based on the love of God and the service of man as modeled in 'Jesus Christ', with a view to train remarkable citizen for all round development and sincere commitment to God and Country.


St. Mary's Convent School is a centre of National Integration. It belives in a sound moral, physical and cultural training is as important as academic instructions in preparing students for their role in life. Hence great importance is given to games and sports, physical exercises, dramatics, debates, general knowledge and other co-curricular activities.

The school through these activities inculcates in students a positive  inclination towards upholding social and economic justice. Dignity of the individual, irrespective of caste and creed, appreciation of our cultural heritage and concern for the environment. Personality development is of prime importance to this institution.

English is the medium of instruction, communication and examination in this institution. Hindi is taught from class LKG onwards. It is a co-education school. Preference is given to girl child at admission.

Though education of the Catholic community is given priority, the school extends its services to members of all communities without distinction of caste or creed. It is a co-education school up to class IX.