Half Yearly Examination - Term -1


Promotion at the end of the scholastic year will depend on daily assessment. In order to avoid stress and strain at the end of the year students are urged to work regularly. Education is more than securing a pass percentage of marks at the end of the year. Parents are requested to inculcate in their children habits of self study at home.

It is necessary that children revise at home the lessons taught in school. Engaging tutors defeats the aim of self-study.

The daily assessment will include written and oral work announced or unannounced. Hence parents are requested to send their children to school regularly unless prevented by serious illness in which case a medical certificate should be submitted alongwith a leave letter.


1. Examination and tests enable parents to know the progress of their children and pay due attention to their studies at home.

2. There will be two examinations of the students to register their progress : Half Yearly and Annual.

3. Besides these terminal examinations, there will be four unit tests, which are compulsory. Any leave application on medical grounds during the examination period has to be submitted before or on the day of the examination.

Any such application coming on a later date will not be accepted.

4. Promotion to the next class will be made on the basis of the average of the marks obtained in Half Yearly, Unit Tests and Annual Examination.

Distribution of Marks for each Examination

                             Test / Exam                                          I - V                       VI - X

                              Half Yearly                                             40%                       80%

                              Annual                                                    40%                       80%

                              Unit tests                                                20%                       40%


Interpretation of Grades


                                                    Grade                                    Standard


                                                         A                                       Very Good


                                                         B                                       Good


                                                         C                                       Satisfactory


                                                         D                                       Fair


                                                          E                                       Fail


5. Application for the verification of marks in SPECIAL and RARE case may be considered at the discretion of the Headmistress.


6. Regular attendance is expected from each student. If a student does not have 75% of the attendance for the year, he/she will not be permitted to appear for Annual Examination.
