Syllabus for Class 8

Syllabus Annual Examination

(2020 - 2021 )

Class - VIII


  1. Feathered Friend
  2. Saving the Gharial
  3. Coming Home to Delhi
  4. The Three Caskets


  1. Unfolding Bud
  2. Hope is the thing with feathers


  1. Future Tense
  2. Prepositions
  3. Conjunctions
  4. Active and Passive voice
  5. Sentences
  6. Conditional sentences, Transformation of sentences
  7. Synthesis of Sentences
  8. Punctuation
  9. Grammar on the go
  10. Words: a mixed bag
  11. Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
  12. Letters
  13. Essays 



  1. Cube & Cube roots
  2.  Squares & square roots
  3. Simple interest and compound interest
  4. Direct and inverse variation
  5. Linear equations
  6. Circumference and area of a circle
  7. Volume and surface area of solids
  8. Circle
  9. Data handling
  10. Probability


  1. Chemical Reactions
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Water
  4. Carbon and its Compounds


  1. Light
  2. Heat
  3. Static Electricity
  4. Magnetism and Electricity


  1. Endocrine system
  2. Circulatory system
  3. Nervous system
  4. Health and Hygiene

History Civics

  1. The Indian National Movement (1885-1960)
  2. The Indian National Movement (1917-1947)
  3. The United Nations
  4. Agencies of the United Nations



  1. Natural and Man-Made Disasters
  2. India Geographical Features
  3. India: Human Resources



      Page 51 to 84 & Current Affairs


Moral Science

  1. Father’s Will
  2. Top to Bottom
  3. Some  Other Day
  4. Green Steps
  5. The Emperor’s New Clothes
  6. Food for Thought


  1. Introduction to JAVA 
  2. App Development
  3. Networks


  1. काल
  2. अव्यय
  3. संधि
  4. वाच्य
  5. उपसर्ग - प्रत्यय
  6. विराम चिन्ह
  7. वाक्य विचार
  8. शब्द विचार -
  9. श्रुतिसमभिन्नार्थक शब्द
  10. एकार्थी प्रतीत होने वाले शब्द
  11. अनेकार्थी शब्द
  12. समूहवाची शब्द
  13. अशुद्ध वाक्यों का संशोधन
  14. मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ
  15. अपठित गद्यांश / पद्यांश
  16. सूचना लेखन
  17. अनौपचारिक  पत्र / औपचारिक पत्र



  1. संस्कृत गौरवम्
  2. बुधिर्यस्य  बलं तस्य
  3. अस्माकं उत्सवाः ( पुनरावृति )
  4. राष्ट्र चिन्हानि 
  5. नीति श्लोकाः
  6. किं तर्तुं जानाति भवान
  7. पितृ भक्तो नचिकेता
  8. शब्द रूप - युष्मद , पितृ , नदी
  9. धातु रूप - अस , कृ ( पांच  लकार )