Syllabus for Class 5

Syllabus Annual Examination

( 2020 - 2021)

Class V

English Grammar

Kind of verbs




Countable and countable nouns

Direct and indirect speech


Definitions -Adverb, Interjections, Countable and Uncountable Nouns.

Paragraph Writing (180-200 words)-

1.How I celebrate my birthday

2.Morning assembly in my School

Informal Letters -

1.Thank you letter to your aunt

2.Congratulation letter to a friend

English Literature

1.The Thief is Caught

2.Sam and the secret call

3.A Christmas Carol


1.The Roadside Locksmith



1) Average

2) Ratio and proportion

3) Percentage

4) Profit and Loss

5) Simple interest

6) Temperature

7) Triangles

8) Quadrilaterals

9) Area and Perimeter

10) Volume


1.Food and Health

2.Plant Reproduction

3.Light And Shadow

4.Simple Machine

Social Studies

 1) Locating places on Earth

2) Weather, Climate, Heat zones, and Eclipses.

3) India and its neighbors.

4) India's climate and vegetation.

5) Natural Disasters.

6) Agriculture.

Moral Science

1.Look Around

2.The Stale Gift

3.Let us talk

4.A Pound Of Butter

5.Ups And Down

6.The Sesame Scholar


1.More features of word 2013

2.Powerpoint 2013 presentation tool

3.Connecting to Internet

Hindi Grammar

1. लिंग, वचन,कारक    

 2. सर्वनाम

3. विशेषण

4. क्रिया

5. काल

6. अविकारी शब्द

7. वाक़् विचार

8. मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ

9. अपठित गद्यांश

10. निबंध -वसंत ऋतु

Hindi Literature

1. चिड़िया और चुरुगन (कविता)

2. जगदीश चन्द्र बसु

3. जंगल की डायरी

4. रहीम के दोहे (कविता)

5. पुरू की महानता

6. मैं और मेरा देश

7. अपराध

8. झाँसी की रानी(कविता)

9. पुत्र के नाम पत्र   



1.बालिका नृत्यति

2.छात्र: पत्रं लिखति

3.बालका: कंदुकेन कीडन्ति

4.स: पठनाय गच्छति

5.स: गृहात् आगच्छति

6.एष: संस्कृतस्य शिक्षक:

7.अहं सायंकाले कीडामि

 8.शब्द रूप- फलम्

 9.धातु रूप- गम्,अस,भू

Revise page number 90 to 96


Page 38 to 70 & Current Affairs