Laboratory Rules


1. Students must wear lab coat (white overall) in the laboratory.

2. Perfect silence in the laboratory is essential for concentration and successful scientific work.

3. Keep your table, apparatus and note-book neat and clean.

4. Add reagents in proportionate amounts, this gives the right result and key to success.

5. Keep the reagents in their respective places, do not change the stoppers of the bottles.

6. Avoid shifting the bottles from the common shelf.

7. Use the waste box for throwing broken glass pieces, matchsticks, filter paper, etc. and do not throw them in the sink.

8. Shake the test tubes while heating, do not throw hot and concentrated acids, specially conc. sulphuric acid.

9. Pass hydrogen sulphide gas slowly in the solution, it is a very poisonous gas, do not leave the gas stopper open.

10. Any damage to lab apparatus/equipments will have to be made good.