General information

St. Mary's Convent School

Student's cabinet will be constituted at the beginning of the academic year to involve the student in the maintenance of discipline and other school programme.

1. Students are urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by their manners and general behaviour.

2. They should be polite, friendly and well behaved in and outside the school. They should be respectful to their elders and teachers and truthful at all times.

3. They should be orderly, clean in their person, and neatly  dressed and should also co-operate to maintain cleanliness in school.

4. As far as posture, cleanliness, silence, attention to work and respect to teachers and companions are concerned, a class-room should be looked upon as a place of reverence

and discipline.

5. No books, other than the required text books, should be

brought to school.

6. They should maintain absolute silence during the General Assembly and while moving into the classroom from the General Assembly. Silence should also be observed on the way to and while returning from games and library.

7. General Assembly is the most important part of the school day. Every student should be present at it to begin the day with prayer to God and listen to the announcements by and advice of the Headmistress.

8. Students are to line up in silence for the General Assembly at the sound of the first bell.

9. All must come to school with lesson well prepared and homework done. Text and exercise books and material for drawing should be brought to school according to day's routine.

10. Students should always strive to speak English in the school premises, and acquire fluency of conversation in English. They should maintain a high standard in their conversation.

11. Students are not allowed to visit Staff Room.

12. No collection or sale or money of Raffle tickets for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the prior sanction of the Headmistress. So also the presentation of gifts to staff members require prior sanction from the Headmistress.

13. No collective petition or complaint will be entertained but reasonable and individual ones will be sympathetically attended to.

14. Penalties may be imposed by the Headmistress at her discretion for breach of discipline, for habitual irregularity or late attendance.

15. Students unless required to stay back for any purpose with the permission of the Headmistress should leave the premises as soon as the school gets over. The  school authorities are not responsible for the safety of any pupil after school hours. Necessary arrangements, therefore, should be made to take the children home immediately after school.

16. All pupils should be present in school on the opening day of each term.

17. Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable moral behaviour justifies dismissal. If a pupil is absent for ten consecutive days without an application, his/her name will be struck off from the scholar register. After 3 days' absence at the beginning of an Academic Year without an application, a pupil will lose his/her seat.

18. No student, who has been absent from school or is late, will be admitted into class without the permission of the Headmistress.

19. No student should bring to the school any objectionable articles and electronic goods, such as camera, mobile, USB Pen Drive, iPad, iPod, tape-recorder, knives, weapons, crackers, explosives, etc. The offendens are liable to be dismissed or rusticated from the school and the All pupils when admitted and while studying in this school must make themselves acquainted with the rules notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will not be an Excuse.

20. The Headmistress's permission is required :

i) To make collection for any purpose whatsoever,

ii) To arrange a party, picnic or meeting,

iii) To join a sports meet or to play in a game arranged by the school,

iv) To give presents to teachers or hold functions in their honour.

v) To arrange for private tuition from the school teachers.

21. No student should remain in the classroom during P.T. or Games period, unless permitted by the Principal.

22. Any student desiring to be exempted from P.T. or games must produce a doctor's certificate to the effect that he/ she is physically unfit to take part.

23. All students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed. They must come to school in school uniform everyday.